Community Access

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Why does the Community Access Program matter

CAP is a necessary part of a national ICT strategy. Governments around the world have recognized their obligation to remedy major disparities in access to new communications technologies. The Final Report of the Telecommunications Policy Review Panel (TPRP) recognized the continuing need for such remedies in Canada. It recommended that there be a national information and communications technology (ICT) adoption strategy “focused on using ICTs to increase the productivity of the Canadian economy, the social well-being of Canadians and the inclusiveness of Canadian society” [10].

It also noted that such an adoption strategy needed to be focused on the acquisition of new skills as well as physical access to the tools. According to recent research, the role played by these new actors on the community stage appears to be much more significant than originally thought. There is growing evidence that these sites are important hubs around which communities help their members find economic and social stability.

Given the use of social cohesion as one of the policy goals for the federal involvement in connectivity programs, new evidence of social as well as economic benefits should be carefully considered in policy decisions about the role such services play in Canadian communities, the level of support they should be accorded, and who should assume responsibility.

Learn more about the Community Access Program and it’s Youth Initiative.

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